
A) Logging Rushes and Edit Decision List


B) Produce and Review an Offline Edit

A few scenes from the storyboard such as the exterior shots, vox pops, and archive footage were cut. The exteriors shots because we were not allowed to show the identity of the cinema, the vox pops because the content that George gave was more than satisfactory and we felt that an outside view wasn't necessary, and the archive footage for the same reason - it was unnecessary. 

To improve, I will add in a Title to introduce the film as well as credits at the end. I will colour correct and grade so that the footage matches and to help enhance the tone. I will also link up the audio of the interview and underlay background music to create atmosphere.

C) Applying Visual Effects and Transitions

D) Linking Audio to Visuals and Applying Effects

In Adobe Audition, I loaded all of the sound clips that had been labelled and began to edit them to create a louder and cleaner sound. 

My workflow was the following:
  • Noise Reduction (Removes background Noise)
  • Graphic Equalizer (20 Bands) ( Controls the EQ)
  • Parametric Equalizer (Further EQ control)
  • Hard Limiter (Increases loudness)
  • Single-Band Compressor (Compresses Peaks)
  • Normalize (Equalises Peaks)

Each effect was adjusted to suit what the individual clip needed.

After editing in Audition, I imported the clips into the Premiere project and began to sync them with the visuals, using the in-camera sound as a guide. 

This is the timeline of the finished edit. A1 contains the audio recorded on the Lavalier Microphone and A2 is the Boom Microphone. The Constant Power effect was added to the start and end of each audio track to help smooth the transition between each one. It is essentially a crossfade but for audio.

The music track was licenced from Musicbed and sits under the other audio on A3. I keyframed the volume to decrease after the intro so that the interview audio can be clearly understood.

Final Edit
